Section 67 of Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity is located in Central & Eastern Kentucky. This blog is written by staff members seeking to provide information and resources to our brothers.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Online Service Resources
Service programs are going well across the section and plans are underway for national service week. I have been spending some time browsing the web for resources to assist with growing and diversifying our service program here in 67 and have come across a promising website.
The website that offers a lot of information and resources related to community service opportunities on a national level. It has a great search option where you enter your interest such as kids, elderly, animals, etc. and then your zipcode and it searches for all opportunities in your area. The organization is called the Corporation for National and Community Service and the website is:
Please spend some time exploring this website and share with your fellow brothers what you find.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Advice from...America's Next Top Model?
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Using your historian to their fullest
Hey brothers! Time for another update from the section 67 chair of fundraising! I’m going to write a little blog post on historians and how to use them to the best of your abilities! They are often under-utilized in a chapter when they can really do so many things!
1. Take pictures! This is probably the biggest thing the historian is known for. They are always at events with their cameras! Make sure that the historian comes to a lot of events, or has people taking pictures at other events they can’t go to! Also make sure you are getting a variety of pictures, you don’t want to have pictures of the historians 3 best friends over and over again!
2. Make a scrapbook! It is always fun to document the semester or year with pictures! You can even make it a fellowship event and have people all get together and make their own page! An electronic scrapbook is fun too!
3. Keep historical documents. This includes new and old! Keep the pledge programs and things hat are used because eventually they will be historic! It is really neat to look back at how things used to be run and see how much the chapter has grown!
4. Write a chapter history. A lot of chapters studied the history of AZ as a whole but its important to know the history of your chapter as well. Who were the founding members and the first president, when was your chapter chartered, who made a big impact on the chapter?
5. Keep a family tree. You all have bigs and littles right? Well make sure to document those! It is fun to draw them as a family tree and keep track of who is related to whom! And don’t start with the president, try to dig up some of those older bigs who have graduated and go back as far as you can!
6. Be creative! There are many things that the historian can do. Think outside the box and use this person as more than paparazzi!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Leadership Call
We will be having our first 'Leadership Conference Call' Wednesday, September 21 at 9:05 pm (ET). If you are interested in joining, send me an email and I will provide you with the information.
1. What chapter's need from me.
2. What each chapter is doing now.
3. Information on LZ getting certified to present LEADS.
4. Other.
Information from the National Office on Leadership Development:
Region V Facebook Page:
Getting Personal
Monday, September 19, 2011
Region V Conference is Just Around the Corner
Sunday, September 18, 2011
October 8, 2011 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Louisville, KY
October 14, 2011 Halloween at the Zoo with Delta Theta in Louisville, KY
October 15, 2011 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Lexington, KY
A tip for managing a healthy service program: Diversity
It is important to provide multiple opportunities in location, time and avenue to allow members of your chapters to find their niche in the service program. Offering various different types of projects with various audiences as well as multiple time and date opportunities will allow increased participation and will help to fight off the "burnt out" feeling that sometimes arises when one takes part in the same type of project over and over again. Provide opportunities that allow brothers to spread their service wings and find their heart in service. I, for instance, love kids and the elderly...that's where my heart is when it comes to not only service, but my career as well. Some love animals, others the environment/outdoor activities. Helping brothers find that special project or organization that they will form a bond with and be dedicated to for life is part of what being a great Service VP is all about!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Avoiding APOverused Lingo
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Leadership: Workshops and Conference Call
I spoke with Brandyn last night. We are on track to get 3 or so of us trained in at least Launch for you all.
Also- I am willing to do mini 'leadership retreat' type workshops. I would be more than willing to come and do some mini workshops on; networking, how to step up into leadership roles and how to just in general be a more effective leader. Just let me know if your chapter is interested. I am very flexible.
There appears to be some interest in a conference call. I have tentatively scheduled for it to be on the third Tuesday of every month (upcoming: Sept. 20th) at 9:05. I am just waiting to hear back from all the chapters. Anyone and everyone is welcome to listen in. Just email me if you are interested.
Did anyone rise to my challenge from 2 weeks ago?
Monday, September 5, 2011
Alumni: How to stay involved
So I know what you are probably thinking: So no that I've graduated, now what? Well you're in luck! There are many ways you can stay involved with APO even after graduation.
The first thing you should do is to subscribe to the APO Section 67 Alumni Connection Newsletter. You can do so by filling out the form here:
Here are some interesting topics that you might see in an issue of the Alumni Connection:
Becoming an APO Impact Presenter
Also feel free to follow the APO Impact team on Facebook here:
And on Twitter here:
And their newsletter here:
Becoming an APO LEADS Presenter
Once you are a certified presenter you can register for any APO LEADS Content Training sessions to learn how to present each course. Click here to view register for APO LEADS Content Training Sessions:
- The APO Advisor’s Guide [PDF]:
- Find the closest chapter near you:
If there aren’t any then think about starting one! Click here for more information about starting an Alumni Association: [PDF]
Friday, September 2, 2011
Let's Talk Marketing
- On Facebook, DO make an event and invite everyone you can from your school and ask your brothers to do the same...
- ...but make sure you DON'T have to make 1001 changes to the event after inviting people because every change becomes a notification that annoys the invited.
- On Twitter and Facebook Statuses, DO write about how excited you are for the coming APO events like a week, then a couple of days, then the day before the event whether they are exclusive to APO or public. Just get the name out...
- ...but DON'T post on Twitter and your status about the APO events 10 times a day, every day, for a month or else you will get major eye-rolls and even a "Do not show messages from (brother)."
- DO announce your events on every social networking site members are a part of. Different people have different networks that they check regularly.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Nonetheless, visibility can only be somewhat tangible on-line and over the phone; in order to be truly visible, a Section Chair or Staff really needs to show up and visit with chapters. While age old minimum requirements set forth in Section 67 only stipulate that I must visit each chapter, petitioning group, or interest group once a year, I think that's just a little too little. As such, I'm hoping to visit everyone a lot, lot more than that.
Here are my current tentative visiting dates for September and early October, with the potential that more will be added soon. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you very very soon!
- September 9 - Progressive Dinner, Alpha Zeta
- September 10 - Hope in the City, Alpha Zeta
- September 10 - Kids Fest, Alpha Zeta Kappa
- September 10 - Pledge Ceremony, Alpha Zeta Kappa
- September 20 - Pledge Ceremony, Alpha Gamma Phi
- October 1 - Pledge Retreat, Alpha Zeta
- October 1 - Formal Night, Theta Theta
- October 2 - Pledge Ceremony, Theta Theta
Everywhere I look I see SERVICE!!!
Coming up in September are the:
Alzheimer's Memory Walk in Louisville on September 10th and in Lexington on September 18th. Please visit
Arthritis Walk in Louisville on September 17th (Saturday). For this walk in particular I already have a team set up for APO Section 67. I would love some company and support from the awesome brothers of section 67 for this one! Please let me know if you are interested in joining the team. You can visit for more information also.
I am working to get some opportunities scheduled with Habitat For Humanity for the fall and spring terms as well.
As National Service Week rapidly approaches I along with your Service VP's will be hard at work ensuring that each and every project in KY will be amazing as usual. Any input you would like to give is always appreciated and information on organizations and/or service opportunities are always welcome!
Keep your eyes open for opportunities in October including Race for the Cure in Lexington and Louisville and Halloween at the Zoo thanks to our Delta Theta Chapter!
I hope all is well at the chapters and I can't wait to get into some APO service, Section 67 style!!!