So, some of you may have alway jumped on tree the fitness wagon, fully supporting the NSW theme of fretting fit. If so, congrats! However, I would guess that most of you as more like me. I know that I should be making healthy choices, but it's awfully hard to eat healthy when McDonald's is on my way to work, and I can eat my chicken nuggets while driving down the road. It's hard to exercise when so much of our lives revolves around typing reports and reading books. Trust me, I feel your pain. What I'd like to do is give you an idea of healthy choices that we can make while not feeling like we're sacrificing our lives for the sale of our health.
The easiest tip that I've seen for improving diet it's to start small. Chose one thing in your diet that is unhealthy. For example, most Americans could stand to eat less meat. Now, eliminate that from your diet one day a week (Meatless Mondays, anyone?) while being mindful of how much you east of that the rest of the week. Once you've got one vice under control, look at something else that you should adjust, and work on that next.
Of course, diet alone isn't worth jack squat, unless you want to look like a skeleton. Exercise is the other half of a healthy lifestyle. My favorite way of exercising is the HIIT method. In short, after warming up, you alternate short bursts of high intensity activity with slightly longer intervals where you catch your breath but still keep your heart rate up. Not only do you get a great aerobic workout, you also boost your metabolismfor several hours after your workout. My favorite part is that a whole HIITs routine can be done in under half an hour, perfect for brothers on the go.
So, there's a start to some healthy lifestyle changes. Steal them and make them your own. One word to the wise: you know your body the best. Don't do anything I say here just because I said so. I'm not a health professional, nor do I know your exact physical condition. Exercise safely, and consult a physician if you have any apprehension about starting an exercise program or get hurt.
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